National Milk Day

Today is National Milk Day, celebrating the first time milk was delivered to homes in sterilized glass bottles. Milk delivery was still a popular option when this 1959 magazine ad appeared. Eventually it became easier and cheaper to purchase milk at the grocery store, especially after processes were developed to extend it’s shelf life.

These days milk delivery is making somewhat of a comeback.

Greenwich Village in the 1920’s

Original 1920 Magazine Article

Attention all native New Yorkers: This original 1920 magazine article is a fascinating detailed look at Greenwich Village in the roaring twenties. Includes great old photos of the people and places:

1923 Wonderful Jello Ad ~ The Train is Coming!!

This original 1923 Jello ads is one of our all-time favorites. The box of Jello has fallen on the tracks. The train’s a’comin.’ The portly red-faced fellow jumps off his cart, racing to save the Jello Before it’s too late. Wonderful art by Angus MacDonall.

Girls Scouts Founded on March 12, 1912

March 12 is Girl Scout Day. It was on March 12, 1912 that Juliette Gordon Low started the first Girl Scout group in Savannah Georgia with 18 girls. This 1931 Parents Magazine cover features a portrait of a lovely Girl Scout illustrated by Charles Sheldon.

Thank your Mail Carrier!

Today is “Thank A Mail Carrier Day.” Your mail carrier delivers mail to your box six days a week in all kinds of weather. Let’s give a shout out to our hard-working mail carriers.

National Hat Day

In addition to celebrating the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., today is also National Hat Day! This antique print shows what the fashionable ladies were wearing on their heads over 200 years ago.

Do You Remember Life Savers Vi-O-Let Candy?

Throwback Thursday! We’re taking a look at this beautiful, scarce 1926 vintage ad for Lifesavers Violet candy (or Vi-O-Let, as Lifesavers playfully called it). Lifesavers Violets, along with Clove, Licorice, and Cinnamon flavors (Cl-O-Ve, Lic-O-Rice, and Cinn-O-Mon) were discontinued back in the 80’s due to poor sales. Does anyone out there remember having a taste?


1938 Good Housekeeping Cover ~ Horace Gaffron Americana

A true embodiment of pure Americana is this 1938 Horace Gaffron cover illustration of two kids on a bike with their dog. The lower panel shows the dog doing what dogs do (chasing the cat!), and the kids tumble to the ground. Boo-hoo!


Gotta love these old cigarette ads

This 1934 Camel ad features Georgia Engelhard, a pioneering female mountain climber. First picture shows her with a tired, pained look on her face as she slowly ascends the mountain. But then she puffs on a Camel. A lung full of nicotine puts a smile on her face and gives her the stamina to scoot up that mountain.


August ~ National Golf Month

We’ve been busy for the last couple of weeks moving our office, but we didn’t want to miss the chance to salute National Golf Month with this charming 1928 Saturday Evening Post cover by J.F. (Joseph Francis) Kernan, also known as the poor man’s Norman Rockwell.

A nattily dressed golfer has his stroke interrupted by a pesky bee.